Saturday, February 4, 2012

Intercession for Beloveds

Tonight, I write with a deep sense of intercession in my heart for people I know who have had cancer and are on remission, who are still going through treatment, and those who just found out they have cancer. This week alone, I've learned of three people I know who have cancer and are undergoing treatment. It seems like everyone is getting cancer and knowing about it renders me shaken, speechless and breathless. What can I say? What can I do? I run to God in prayer, humbling myself before Him knowing that HE is the creator of this universe and He holds the world in His hands. He also gave His only begotten Son to reconcile us sinners to Himself who is holy. He did not spare His own Son for us, will He withhold His comfort and healing? He hung the planets in space and established their places, is there anything He cannot do? He set the boundaries of the waters that cover the earth, is anything impossible with Him? He heard and responded to the blind man who vigorously pleaded and called His name and healed Him right there and then, will He not hear and heal our diseases? (Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord oh my soul, who heals ALL our diseases!) I pray for complete healing for RBH (who's leukemia is on remission), for VP(breast ca), BAT (pancreatic ca), for H in the Pocono (lung ca), my friends' O and C's sisters (breast and cervical), my ObGyn CH (ovarian ca), for S (brain ca, metastasized to lungs and liver) and now TW (esophageal ca). I pray for God's loving intervention upon their lives as they go through this difficult situation.I am reminded that He promised never to leave us nor forsake us. He has each of our lives in His hands. He knows every detail of our journey and he is involved. He knows the very numbers of our hair...He will take care of them.I pray that the Lord in His compassion and loving kindness will give each one of them His peace and cause them to fully rely and trust in what He is doing in their lives. I intercede for healing for I know my God is an awesome, omnipotent, omniscient and loving God. His love for His people is unfathomable and HE HEALS!!!!