Monday, January 16, 2017

Help Yourself to His Peace

"What is it that blinds you to the peace of God in this your day?" so Oswald Chambers asks.  What a sobering question---it literally stopped me in my tracks. So many times in our daily lives we give in to our worries  and anxieties that rob us of God's peace, so special, it passes understanding. And yet He says in His Word "If you had this your day the things that make for your peace. But now they are hidden from you." (Luke 19:42)

The things  that make for our peace are hidden from us because of our unwillingness to let go of the things that concern us and take our rest upon Him who is so willing to give. We cling to our little gods called unbelief, worry, or self-agenda in our desperation to get what we want in life. Why is it so difficult to trust God our Father who only wants the best for His children? Perhaps we need to re-acquaint ourselves with Him. As we all know He did not withhold from us what was precious to Him, His only begotten Son who for a time gave up His glory in heaven to  come to our midst and offer His spotless life as atonement for our sins and exchange for  our eternal salvation.

Surely He has proven Himself faithful and loving to us many oft times? If we carefully look back to our past, surely He provided for all of our needs. He comforted us in our  griefs. He orchestrated our life events and made all things work together for good. He  kept us safe and protected  in our comings and goings. He bestowed blessings like none other can give. And all He asks from us is  to know and trust Him, that He will make all things work together for good.

"But what is it that blinds you to the peace of God in this your day?"

"If you had known in this your day the things that make for your peace...."