Thursday, July 16, 2015

Dear Lord,
Captivate my heart once more, today and all the days of my life. I want to devote my thoughts and actions to You---speak to my heart as I lift it up to You in thanksgiving. Give me a heart of flesh that is tender towards You, my God, my Abba Father. Let Your Spirit teach my spirit to constantly commune with You--- and let me bask in Your presence that fills this home. Teach me how to pray Your heart Lord, to pray for people who need You, people who are sick, people who are lonely, people who are hurting. Help me and teach me to stand in the gap for them. Help me to become a blessing to people, I live with, people I  deal with, and people I meet, that they may experience Your love through my person and through my life. Be blessed and  be glorified in the things that I do and say. Help me to know You even in my solitude---I will wait for You to speak in my silence ---teach my spirit to discern Your promptings and give me the grace to obey Your will. ---Florisse

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