Monday, February 8, 2016

Raising Your Child on Your Knees (Praying the Bible)

We love our family, each one of them, so we think good thoughts about them. We pray and hope that
they will always be safe, and healthy, and happy. We wish them the best.

When I pray for my child for example, all my good wishes and hopes for him overflow and they overtake my words. I don't have enough words to verbalize all the good and godly things I hope to happen in his life, in this world. So I looked to the Bible, and started praying the Word of God for him.  (This applies to and for anyone of your loved ones who could use prayers)

I started with Psalm 119:

Dear Lord,

v. 9-10 Let Zach  live according to Your word oh Lord, let him seek You with all his heart, do not let him stray from Your commands.

v.11 Let Zach hide Your word in his heart that he may not sin against You

v.14 Let Zach rejoice in following Your statutes as one rejoices in his great riches.

v.15 Let Zach meditate  on Your precepts and consider Your ways

v.18Open Zach's eyes that he may see wonderful things in Your law

v. 20 Let his soul be consumed  with longing for Your law at all times

v.25 Preserve Zach's life according to Your Word

v.29 Keep Zach from deceitful ways, be gracious to him and teach him Your law

v.30 Let him choose the way of faithfulness, let him hold fast to Your statutes. Let him run in the paths of Your commands

v.35 Turn his heart toward your statues and not on selfish gain

v.37 Turn his eyes away from worthless things; preserve his life according to Your Word

v.41 Let Your unfailing love and salvation come to him

v.45 Let Zach walk in freedom as he seeks Your precepts. Let him seek Your face with all his heart.

v.58 Be gracious to him according to Your promise

v. 60 Let him hasten and not delay to obey Your commands

v. 66 Teach Zach knowledge and good judgement

v. 73 Give Zach understanding to learn  Your commands

v. 76 May Your unfailing love be Zach's comfort always

v. 77 Let Your compassion come to him Let Your law be his delight

v.78 Let Zach meditate on Your precepts

v. 80 Let Zach wholeheartedly follow Your decrees

v,81 Let his soul faint with longing for Your salvation. Let him put his hope upon Your word

v.82 Let Zach's eyes look for Your promise

v.99 Let Zach  meditate on Your statutes. Cause him to obey Your precepts. Keep his feet from evil paths. Let him gain understanding from Your precepts.

v. 106 Let Your Word be a lamp to  Zach's feet and a light to his path. May he follow Your righteous laws

v.107 Preserve his life according to Your Word

v.110 Do not let him stray from your percepts.

v.111 Let Your statutes be his heritage forever---let them be the joy of his heart.

v.121 Deal with Your servant according to Your love and teach him Your decrees

v.125 Give Zachary  discernment that he may understand  Your statutes

v. 133 Direct His footsteps according to Your word, let no sin rule over him

v.135 Make Your face to shine on Zach, and teach him Your decrees

Of course, I use these prayers for myself too, and my husband. There's a lot more in the Bible that we can translate for prayers and if we believe and hope in them with whole-hearted intentions, they become beautiful expressions of our love and prayers for our family. In this world, so full of distractions and temptations to neglect the loving God of this universe, these prayers that we utter with our hearts are humble but valuable and blessed gifts we can give our loved ones.  We need to stand in the gap for them.

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