Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Breathing Out Thankfulness

I have been bringing Zach to the beach to boogie board. I simply am his captive playmate. I realized, when you have an only-child, not only do you become a mother, but you become a [captive] playmate.  (Only-child syndrome case)

This morning, I went to the beach by myself  at 7:30 a.m. ---for a while, I was alone at the beach---not a soul in sight and it felt amazing! God's handiwork, so stunning in  beauty, so quiet in peace, so available and free. I feasted my eyes...my soul... my heart and spoke thankfulness to my God who created all these. 

I lifted my heart to the Owner of the seas, the Creator of the universe and uttered praises and hallelujahs along with the crashing of the waves, the blowing of the wind and the shining of the sun. I collected shells big and small that has natural holes in them for the wind chimes that I make. 

There is no limit to the beauty all around us, we just need to stop and take time to appreciate, look around, feel the textures, smell scents, listen to sounds of nature and gear our thoughts to the ONE who is the Creator  and Designer of all these.

The Lord God is amazing!
There is none like Him!


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