Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Where did the Nodules Go?" the Doctor Asked.

I got a phonecall earlier from  my sister Ellen. She told me  of their recent trip to Singapore with Ruth seeking second opinion. After all the tests  done, they came back for the report and  everything was negative. "There's nothing wrong." he said.  There were  no nodules to be found in the lungs, contrary to the CT scan that they brought with them. Then they asked what he thought of the CT scan of the ribs which had a myriad spots. The doctor shook his head and said he could not  explain it.

The Lord God had us all stumped. He is omnipotent and omniscient, he can very well do what He wants and in His time. My sister Ruth came home  all cleared from the metastastic lung and bone cancer that were recognized from the  first CT scans. Now her CT scans are clear of any spots. Glory be to God!

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