Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Indeed, HE Heals!!!

August 30---3:56 A.M.

U.S. time yesterday, Ate Ruth, Ate Ellen and Jenny flew to Singapore to get a second  opinion from Ate Ruth's (leukemia) doctor. So she spent the whole day getting tested and scanned.

At around 1:00 A.M, I called  Ate Agnes (1 P.M. in the Philippines) and she told me the good news. About 3 hours earlier, Ate Ruth sent her a text message ----"No nodules found." The nodules in her lungs which were shrinking have completely vanished! Glory be to God---Maker and Owner of the universe. He answers prayers!!!
Her ribs are  clean and restored!!! Blessed be His name!

My heart is overflowing with joy, for the Lord God Almighty has given my dear sister Ate Ruth His favor. He touched her body, healed and restored her back to life. Along the way and in the process, the Lord touched my heart and rekindled my love for Him.Once again, He  has shown me His realness. Once again, He has re-affirmed His unfathomable love for us His children. Through this painful ordeal of being told  you are soon losing a sister to cancer, the Lord once again proved Himself as our loving Comforter and Almighty Healer, faithful and  true, gracious and merciful. Truly, He holds all power and majesty. There is none like our Father God in heaven  and earth.

Glory be to His name!!!

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