Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dear Lord,
I thank youf or the strength that YOu give me each day as I move on with my life with the fact that my brother Jun and Nanay are gone. I miss them very much. My heart is sore  from aching , but You  are faithful to help me carry on. (Would you tell them I love and miss them?)

Thank YOu for my husband Steve who is a great blessing to my life. He is a pillar of strength and peace  in whatever circumstance our family is in. He has no complaints, no negative words to say, no discontentment---only constant peace and full trust in You. He humbles himself when I rattle. He keeps the peace flowing from his heart. Thank You Lord for the life of Steve that You've allowed me to share with. I am deeply blessed by him. And as if you have not blessed me enough ---You have to make it overflow (as YOu always do), then You give us Zachary. Both Steve and I marvel at his life. Zach is not only an additional most welcome blessing, but he is also a fun enrichment to us. Like Steve always says, " Our lives are  enriched  by having him."

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