Wednesday, April 3, 2013

And so I told God I needed a friend to sit with, lounge and talk silently with, maybe laugh (over our reminiscences of the past) with,  or be quiet with...a friend I can sip tea with or (at least) listen  to my questions about the two deaths in my family if not answer them. And here's what He impressed upon my heart. Go see  H.L. and make something for her. So I made the arrangement to visit her after work and brought in some fruits and vegetables. I simply wanted to stir-fry  the veggies for her and drink tea and simply enjoy her company. I did not want her to do anything else because she has fibromyalgia (a really bad case of chronic fatigue syndrome).

Well what do you know? Upon her coffee table was quite a spread---a big platter of sliced fruits and berries,  three kinds of chocolates, an assortment of cookies, two kinds of citrus fruits, a compote full of plump dates and tea.

Didn't I asked the Lord for a simple cup of tea and company?

And just like in Psalms..."I prepare a table for you..," he said. How magnificent is the Lord! and full of tender love. I was H.L.'s sole visitor and the she prepared for me a beautiful spread to go with my tea and company. The Lord  indulged me with His kindness.

And H.L., listened to my grief. And she grieved with me. She listened and spoke  words of comfort that I already knew but needed to hear. She prayed with me and she prayed for me.  I was blessed. And my spirit was lifted.

Dear Lord,
YOU never fail to  amaze me. You take joy in amusing me and I am very  much enchanted by your tender ways towards me. YOU always  bowl me over with your loving-kindness and blessings that never cease to  overwhelm my little heart. I thank YOU  for your  love and comfort that YOU extend even through  my friends and through various circumstances.  I am so blessed by YOU.

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