Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Worthlessness of Unbelief

It is  unbelief that keeps people from seeing miracles that are happening right before their very eyes. Just as God said in Romans that there is no excuse for anyone not to know HIm---[if only they  look around, what they see should suffice and  answer the reality of God]. 

Miracles do happen everyday and every moment. It is a miracle that we see---it is a miracle that we are able to sleep and recharge our bodies and eat and digest our food. It is a miracle that we hear and breathe and walk. However, the Lord has blessed us so much  with these miracles on a daily and moment to moment  basis that we no longer realize and acknowledge that indeed we are living miracles. We take for granted His blessings. Our hearts are so disensitized of miraculous awe-inspiring and wonderful gifts from Him that we no longer realize these miracles and thus we  relegated  them as normal ordinary functions in physical life. So when the supernatural miracles happen, our eyes being  so clouded and  hearts so heavy with unbelief we do not all the more  recognize His  supernatural work.

When doctors encounter healings or  diseases vanishing without an explanation they stop at saying "there is no explanation,"  or they say, "it was a misdiagnosis" . If only their hearts look beyond what is physical and think of God who  creates and heals and orchestrates things, then they will discover HIs greatness and lovingkindness. If  only they shed  their unbelief and look through the eyes of faith, they will find out that there is nothing impossible with God, and He does as He pleases and when He does, He does it well.

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