Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My Miracle, My Blessing

Dear Zachary,

You are  a wonder to me.
 You are a miracle  growing before my eyes---and so I watch you. Closely. Very closely. I watch you very closely because I do not want to  miss  any detail of the Miracle and Gift that you are  from  my Abba Father. I watch and I relish every detail of this miracle that is you, Zachary.

When you  smile, your eyes twinkle, just like your Dad's and I am reminded how I love you both ---my two guys! When you laugh, I am reminded that my Abba Father answered my prayers while yet you were inside  of me to give you a spirit of joy and LAUGHTER...and your Dad, unknowing of my silent  request to God, inserted the middle name ISAAC to your person and thus your soul was stamped! You were a giggling and laughing baby---and now at age  6, you are  easy to laugh and always full of joy!

When you talk, and the S(es)  escape through the gaps where your teeth are missing, I marvel at the sight and  sound of  it. Your little munchkin voice is another tool of  wonder to me. Having a conversation with you and taking in the sound of your  little boy voice amazes me o end. The things that you say are a wonder if not amusing, and how you say and convey your thoughts with hand gestures, head nodding or shaking, eyes rolling right, left or up. Yo are a scene to behold---a glorious miracle of God!

You always want to make something --craft from scratch wit your hands. When you start one, your attention is on it so intense and focused, it gives me quite a long moment of peace to read my book or do something else. Bliss!

You are also good at building and  putting  together lego sets (designed for  age 8+) without asking for help. A smart boy you are with an attention span of an adult.

You should  hear yourself sing  Esther's song (from veggie tales) like a little English choir boy. Your Dad gets a kick listening to you sing that song, "The Battle is Not Ours" and hitting the right notes too! You have quite a wide vocabulary. You are articulate in using big words in  normal daily  conversations. Your pediatrician easily noticed that too! That is because you  love to read! At 6 you  can literally sit still for  three hours with your nose to the books.  You are a cool 6-year old!

****At the PTC (parent-teacher conference) your first grade teacher, Ms. Bowie had only good things to say about you. Not only does she recognize what a smart and bright little boy you are, you are also helpful in the classroom, full of initiative and a leader and good example to your  classmates. My heart was bursting out of my body when I left West School. I am so thankfully proud of you---but more than anything, I thank my Abba Father that He is growing you up in wisdom and stature.

Knowing God in the Everyday

                            There is no greater discovery than seeing God as the  author of 
                                                      your destiny.   ----Ravi Zacharias

I think about the goodness of the Lord towards us. His love is encompassing---it embraces our lives and knows every detail of them, all the joys and pains, all the needs and  excesses thereof. I thank my Lord for His detailed involvement in our lives---His presence and comfort help me realize that we never have to journey this life on earth alone. We have a constant help who loves us more  than we can  love ourselves.

Everyday that we live, our Abba Father watches  over us ---He answers our prayers ---WHETHER we  like the answer or not, He works things out for our own good. He also orchestrates things in blessing  us so that our foolishness, greed or selfishness do not overcome us. He is ever so patient.

My attitude as a saint to sorrow and difficulty is not to ask that they may prevented,but to ask that I may preserve the self God created me to be  through every fire or sorrow.    ---Oswald Chambers