Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Knowing God in the Everyday

                            There is no greater discovery than seeing God as the  author of 
                                                      your destiny.   ----Ravi Zacharias

I think about the goodness of the Lord towards us. His love is encompassing---it embraces our lives and knows every detail of them, all the joys and pains, all the needs and  excesses thereof. I thank my Lord for His detailed involvement in our lives---His presence and comfort help me realize that we never have to journey this life on earth alone. We have a constant help who loves us more  than we can  love ourselves.

Everyday that we live, our Abba Father watches  over us ---He answers our prayers ---WHETHER we  like the answer or not, He works things out for our own good. He also orchestrates things in blessing  us so that our foolishness, greed or selfishness do not overcome us. He is ever so patient.

My attitude as a saint to sorrow and difficulty is not to ask that they may prevented,but to ask that I may preserve the self God created me to be  through every fire or sorrow.    ---Oswald Chambers


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