Thursday, March 14, 2013

February 26, 2013

Your mercies are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness, Oh Lord.

Since Junjun died I carry a heaviness in my heart because I miss knowng that he is just in Davao ---in   our family home. But he is NO LONGER, so I feel something of me is no longer too. I continue to live but something of me is missing. I think when he left so unexpectedly, he took a part of me that I cannot quite figure out exactly what it is. There is a deep empty hole in my heart that holds loneliness and that loneliness brims and seeps out each day and makes itself  known to me. It walks with me as I go from school to school. It gets in the car as I drive from home to work and back. It sups with me when I have my lunch. It keeps me company during my in-between work moments. Pictures of his face flash in my mind and when I realize he is no longer, my heart screams inside in disbelief. This life is very strange now.

Dear Lord, 
You alone are my CONSTANT that keeps me going  each day. Thank you for your comfort. Thank you for  Your love. Help me Lord to worship you in spite of the pain in my heart. Remind me that You are the GREAT I AM, my ABBA FATHER. I may not understand so many things  in our lives but I know You are a God whose love endures forever.  Amen

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