Tuesday, August 9, 2011


"Six months to live----maybe two. Give her whtever she wants to eat, she may have a hard time  breathing the following days."

THIS is the death sentence of man upon the  life of Ate Ruth. This is the report of the world according to man's timetable, statitistics, trend in science, man's logic and reasoning, man's knowledge of cause and effect. BUT OUR GOD, THE MAKER and OWNER of the UNIVERSE does not necessarily operate within man's reasonings. HE does not necessarily keep in step with man's timetable. HE does not necessarily follow the objective stream of mn's logic. He is not limited by cause and effect. HE is not limited by numbers (stage 3/stage 4)The God of the  Universe is not boxed in by statistics. HE will do as HE pleases. He holds the foundations of the earth. He contains the seas and tells the water their limits.He commands the sun to rise and set at His appointed times. He commands the storm and winds to die down. He keeps the storehouses of snow and hail. He makes the lame man to walk. The woman with the issue of blood for 12 years touched  the  hem of HIS garment and was healed. He raised Lzarus from the dead!!!

GOD CAN DO the same for te Ruth. He can wipe all metastases in her lungs and ribcage. HE CAN destroy the cancer cells that's ravishing her body. HE only needs speak THE WORD and it shall be done. There is NOTHING HE CANNOT DO! HE is THE GOD of IMPOSSIBILITIES!!!
With my request for my sister's healing, I surrender to God's will. Unless HE wants her HOME with HIM, He will heal her as HE only can do!!!!

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