Tuesday, August 16, 2011

His Arm is Not Too Short To Help

The Lord is doing something.
Indeed logic is silenced before Him.
His arm is not too short to help.
I am sobered at the thought that He is bringing healing to a body ravaged with sorts of cancer specifically thyroid cancer, leukemia and only He knows what else was coming that crept in the lungs and ribs. Just as He commanded peace to the fierce wind of the storm and just as He set  the limits where the waters of the seas may ebb and flow----so does He silence the thyroid cancer and keeps at bay the leukemia and  shrinks the nodules that grow upon the lungs and cleanses the rottenness that fester in the ribs.

Simply NOTHING is impossible with Him!
And He is gracious, my Jehovah Rapha.

I get an email today about His goodness and faithfulness.
Rib cage biopsy.  Negative. Ribs clean. (But didn't they say the ribs are in bad condition and looking rotten?)
Nodules in lungs shrinking.

What else can I  say?
Blessed be His name!!!

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