Monday, August 15, 2011

Waiting on the Lord

As I wait on the Lord, my insides tremble in anticipation for His answer. All I know is that He is a God of love and compassion and He knows exactly what we are going through and what we are feeling. He is a Father who loves His children----so much more than I, as a mother (who loves deeply) can love my own son. But because I now know the unfathomable depth of love I have for my own son---how much more our heavenly Father who loves us more than we can love ourselves? Experiencing motherhood  has  lead me to a higher and deeper plane of understanding of God's love for us. It is a love that is unconditional and infinite---higher than the heavens---His love has no bottom, it pierces down unfathomable depth.

His will is our desire. Does He want to heal Ate Ruth? If He does...He CAN! No doubt about it!!! Does He want her to go home to Him? Then let His will be done. Blessed be His name! Either way, I will praise Him and worship Him with all my heart---BECAUSE---
He is God and He is a perfect God who does not miss anything---He knows and He does things---and He does things WELL!!!

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