Monday, August 15, 2011

I Will Set My Eyes Like Flint to the Lord

For as long as Ate Ruth  is alive.....I SIMPLY REFUSE to bow down to these words and numbers:
                                                4th stage
                                                2 to 6 months to live

              THIS is STATISTICS-----I am not saying they are wrong. I am just saying that GOD does not operate according to man's timetable. Unless He wants Ate Ruth home with Him to heaven (UNLESS!!), He can still come through for her. No time is too late for God. No metastasized lungs and ribs are too rotten for God to restore. No disease is too great for HIM to tackle! PERIOD!!!
Psalm 103 says---He heals ALL (not some, but ALL) your diseases.

"By His stripes, we are healed!!!"

Who is man to number another man's days?"

The world needs to see a miracle such as in this situation. I plead with God to bring healing and use this situation to glorify Himself like He did with Lazarus----to show Himself ALMIGHTY HEALER. I will keep my eyes fixed on Jesus like a child waiting  for her father to come through the door from work with pasalubong in HIS HAND.. He will not fail for He is faithful. He will come!!! He will heal because His  WORD says so!!!!
Unless He is calling her HOME to be with HIM---then I rest my case.  Meantime, I will set my eyes like flint  to the Lord!!!

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