Monday, August 15, 2011

Still waiting...

Early Tuesday morning here. Tuesday afternoon in the Philippines. It's been a long week of waiting for the biopsy result. The ribcage biopsy. Let the Lord's will be done. He is God of the  universe. He is God of ur lives. He is God of this biopsy result and He is God of the whole situation regarding te Ruth's  health and life.
Shall I fret anymore?
I just cannot help feeling sad for for my dear sister for what she might be feeling physically and emotionally. My heart goes with all her hopes and fears and desires for her life. In spite of all the worst things we've heard from the doctors around her, we continue to plead with the Lord, cry out to Him (like the persistent blindman) ask for healing---complete healing and extension of life. Indeed, life is a beautiful blessing from God.

Whatever the biopsy says we will offer it to the Lord and let Him apply His will over it. He can very well do anything with it. He is sovereign God.

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