Thursday, August 18, 2011

He is God of Love and Mercy

I am aware everyday brings a miracle. I wake up in the morning and thank God for the miracle of being able to sleep soundly. I look around and thank God for being able to see the morning light, to feel on my skin the  morning coolness, to hear the chirping of birds, to get up and walk here and there, to eat breakfast with good appetite....and the list goes on and on. I DO NOT take any of these miracles  for granted. I lift my heart up to the Lord ovewhelmed with gratitude for the myriad of things that He does and blesses me with.

Of late, the Lord God  Almighty has done (yet and again!!!) a miracle for my family. We asked and He did not withold His blessings from us. We cried out to Him, He listened and answered according to His faithfulness. He is God of love and mercy.He is powerful. He set the earth on its His rebuke He commands the water  to flow to places He assigns for them. He set a boundary they cannot cross. Even the raging storm and winds obey Him at His Word.

While the reports we got worsened at each passing  day:
------metastasized lung cancer stage 4
------6 months to live, maybe 2
------in a few days will have a hard time breathing
------cancer metastasized to ribs
------ribs looking rotten like termites have been in it
------ribs deforming----have striations
------cancer is fast spreading

The Lord with His compassionate heart leaned forward and listened to our (family and friends) petitions for cleansing, healing, restoration and for His peace that passeth understanding to fill her heart through this time.

The Lord answered.

Rib cage biopsy result---negative.
Nodules in lungs---shrinking.

My heart is silenced in awe and amazement.
My soul is bowed down in reverence to Him.
My mind is stumped in wonder of His omniscience and omnipotence.
Glory, honor and majesty belong to Him!!!
Blessed be His name!!!

Psalms 111:1-4
I will exol the Lord with all my heart.
Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them.
Glorious and majesic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever. He has caused His wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate.

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