Friday, September 16, 2011

YOU turned our wailing into dancing; YOU removed our sackcloths and clothed us with joy, that our hearts may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord our God, we will give you thanks forever!
                                                                      Psalm 30:11-12

Because of YOU Lord, there is rejoicing instead of grieving---there is bonding instead of separation---because of YOU Lord there is celebration of life!
Blessed be YOUR name!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Where did the Nodules Go?" the Doctor Asked.

I got a phonecall earlier from  my sister Ellen. She told me  of their recent trip to Singapore with Ruth seeking second opinion. After all the tests  done, they came back for the report and  everything was negative. "There's nothing wrong." he said.  There were  no nodules to be found in the lungs, contrary to the CT scan that they brought with them. Then they asked what he thought of the CT scan of the ribs which had a myriad spots. The doctor shook his head and said he could not  explain it.

The Lord God had us all stumped. He is omnipotent and omniscient, he can very well do what He wants and in His time. My sister Ruth came home  all cleared from the metastastic lung and bone cancer that were recognized from the  first CT scans. Now her CT scans are clear of any spots. Glory be to God!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Indeed, HE Heals!!!

August 30---3:56 A.M.

U.S. time yesterday, Ate Ruth, Ate Ellen and Jenny flew to Singapore to get a second  opinion from Ate Ruth's (leukemia) doctor. So she spent the whole day getting tested and scanned.

At around 1:00 A.M, I called  Ate Agnes (1 P.M. in the Philippines) and she told me the good news. About 3 hours earlier, Ate Ruth sent her a text message ----"No nodules found." The nodules in her lungs which were shrinking have completely vanished! Glory be to God---Maker and Owner of the universe. He answers prayers!!!
Her ribs are  clean and restored!!! Blessed be His name!

My heart is overflowing with joy, for the Lord God Almighty has given my dear sister Ate Ruth His favor. He touched her body, healed and restored her back to life. Along the way and in the process, the Lord touched my heart and rekindled my love for Him.Once again, He  has shown me His realness. Once again, He has re-affirmed His unfathomable love for us His children. Through this painful ordeal of being told  you are soon losing a sister to cancer, the Lord once again proved Himself as our loving Comforter and Almighty Healer, faithful and  true, gracious and merciful. Truly, He holds all power and majesty. There is none like our Father God in heaven  and earth.

Glory be to His name!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

He is God of Love and Mercy

I am aware everyday brings a miracle. I wake up in the morning and thank God for the miracle of being able to sleep soundly. I look around and thank God for being able to see the morning light, to feel on my skin the  morning coolness, to hear the chirping of birds, to get up and walk here and there, to eat breakfast with good appetite....and the list goes on and on. I DO NOT take any of these miracles  for granted. I lift my heart up to the Lord ovewhelmed with gratitude for the myriad of things that He does and blesses me with.

Of late, the Lord God  Almighty has done (yet and again!!!) a miracle for my family. We asked and He did not withold His blessings from us. We cried out to Him, He listened and answered according to His faithfulness. He is God of love and mercy.He is powerful. He set the earth on its His rebuke He commands the water  to flow to places He assigns for them. He set a boundary they cannot cross. Even the raging storm and winds obey Him at His Word.

While the reports we got worsened at each passing  day:
------metastasized lung cancer stage 4
------6 months to live, maybe 2
------in a few days will have a hard time breathing
------cancer metastasized to ribs
------ribs looking rotten like termites have been in it
------ribs deforming----have striations
------cancer is fast spreading

The Lord with His compassionate heart leaned forward and listened to our (family and friends) petitions for cleansing, healing, restoration and for His peace that passeth understanding to fill her heart through this time.

The Lord answered.

Rib cage biopsy result---negative.
Nodules in lungs---shrinking.

My heart is silenced in awe and amazement.
My soul is bowed down in reverence to Him.
My mind is stumped in wonder of His omniscience and omnipotence.
Glory, honor and majesty belong to Him!!!
Blessed be His name!!!

Psalms 111:1-4
I will exol the Lord with all my heart.
Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them.
Glorious and majesic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever. He has caused His wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

His Arm is Not Too Short To Help

The Lord is doing something.
Indeed logic is silenced before Him.
His arm is not too short to help.
I am sobered at the thought that He is bringing healing to a body ravaged with sorts of cancer specifically thyroid cancer, leukemia and only He knows what else was coming that crept in the lungs and ribs. Just as He commanded peace to the fierce wind of the storm and just as He set  the limits where the waters of the seas may ebb and flow----so does He silence the thyroid cancer and keeps at bay the leukemia and  shrinks the nodules that grow upon the lungs and cleanses the rottenness that fester in the ribs.

Simply NOTHING is impossible with Him!
And He is gracious, my Jehovah Rapha.

I get an email today about His goodness and faithfulness.
Rib cage biopsy.  Negative. Ribs clean. (But didn't they say the ribs are in bad condition and looking rotten?)
Nodules in lungs shrinking.

What else can I  say?
Blessed be His name!!!

Praise the Lord, O My Soul...

More than ever, as each moment passes, my love and confidence in the Lord deepens. The past days, through this tribulation with Ruth's cancer, the Lord has drawn me deeper unto Himself and He is showing me His lovingkindness, grace and mercy. He is showing me His greatness and power over our lives including the minute details of our lives. He loves deeply and cares for us. He is with us and knows our pains and fears, requests and desires. Yes, He deeply cares.

Psalm 103
Praise the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me, praise His holy name.
Praise the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits---
WHO  forgives all your sins and
heals ALL your diseases,
WHO redeems  your life from the pit and crowns you with love and  compassion
WHO satisfies your desires with good things so that your faith is  renewed like the eagle's.
Praise the Lord, O my soul.

I feel a peace from God.
In spite of all my longings and pleadings for complete healing for Ate Ruth---God is filling my heart with His peace this very moment. A peace that passeth all understanding. The Lord God is in control---He knows what He is doing---He is working for His own purposes and His glory. My confidence is in the Lord because He is sovereign and powerful and almighty AND He loves us more than we can love ourselves.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Still waiting...

Early Tuesday morning here. Tuesday afternoon in the Philippines. It's been a long week of waiting for the biopsy result. The ribcage biopsy. Let the Lord's will be done. He is God of the  universe. He is God of ur lives. He is God of this biopsy result and He is God of the whole situation regarding te Ruth's  health and life.
Shall I fret anymore?
I just cannot help feeling sad for for my dear sister for what she might be feeling physically and emotionally. My heart goes with all her hopes and fears and desires for her life. In spite of all the worst things we've heard from the doctors around her, we continue to plead with the Lord, cry out to Him (like the persistent blindman) ask for healing---complete healing and extension of life. Indeed, life is a beautiful blessing from God.

Whatever the biopsy says we will offer it to the Lord and let Him apply His will over it. He can very well do anything with it. He is sovereign God.

Waiting on the Lord

As I wait on the Lord, my insides tremble in anticipation for His answer. All I know is that He is a God of love and compassion and He knows exactly what we are going through and what we are feeling. He is a Father who loves His children----so much more than I, as a mother (who loves deeply) can love my own son. But because I now know the unfathomable depth of love I have for my own son---how much more our heavenly Father who loves us more than we can love ourselves? Experiencing motherhood  has  lead me to a higher and deeper plane of understanding of God's love for us. It is a love that is unconditional and infinite---higher than the heavens---His love has no bottom, it pierces down unfathomable depth.

His will is our desire. Does He want to heal Ate Ruth? If He does...He CAN! No doubt about it!!! Does He want her to go home to Him? Then let His will be done. Blessed be His name! Either way, I will praise Him and worship Him with all my heart---BECAUSE---
He is God and He is a perfect God who does not miss anything---He knows and He does things---and He does things WELL!!!

I Will Set My Eyes Like Flint to the Lord

For as long as Ate Ruth  is alive.....I SIMPLY REFUSE to bow down to these words and numbers:
                                                4th stage
                                                2 to 6 months to live

              THIS is STATISTICS-----I am not saying they are wrong. I am just saying that GOD does not operate according to man's timetable. Unless He wants Ate Ruth home with Him to heaven (UNLESS!!), He can still come through for her. No time is too late for God. No metastasized lungs and ribs are too rotten for God to restore. No disease is too great for HIM to tackle! PERIOD!!!
Psalm 103 says---He heals ALL (not some, but ALL) your diseases.

"By His stripes, we are healed!!!"

Who is man to number another man's days?"

The world needs to see a miracle such as in this situation. I plead with God to bring healing and use this situation to glorify Himself like He did with Lazarus----to show Himself ALMIGHTY HEALER. I will keep my eyes fixed on Jesus like a child waiting  for her father to come through the door from work with pasalubong in HIS HAND.. He will not fail for He is faithful. He will come!!! He will heal because His  WORD says so!!!!
Unless He is calling her HOME to be with HIM---then I rest my case.  Meantime, I will set my eyes like flint  to the Lord!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


"Six months to live----maybe two. Give her whtever she wants to eat, she may have a hard time  breathing the following days."

THIS is the death sentence of man upon the  life of Ate Ruth. This is the report of the world according to man's timetable, statitistics, trend in science, man's logic and reasoning, man's knowledge of cause and effect. BUT OUR GOD, THE MAKER and OWNER of the UNIVERSE does not necessarily operate within man's reasonings. HE does not necessarily keep in step with man's timetable. HE does not necessarily follow the objective stream of mn's logic. He is not limited by cause and effect. HE is not limited by numbers (stage 3/stage 4)The God of the  Universe is not boxed in by statistics. HE will do as HE pleases. He holds the foundations of the earth. He contains the seas and tells the water their limits.He commands the sun to rise and set at His appointed times. He commands the storm and winds to die down. He keeps the storehouses of snow and hail. He makes the lame man to walk. The woman with the issue of blood for 12 years touched  the  hem of HIS garment and was healed. He raised Lzarus from the dead!!!

GOD CAN DO the same for te Ruth. He can wipe all metastases in her lungs and ribcage. HE CAN destroy the cancer cells that's ravishing her body. HE only needs speak THE WORD and it shall be done. There is NOTHING HE CANNOT DO! HE is THE GOD of IMPOSSIBILITIES!!!
With my request for my sister's healing, I surrender to God's will. Unless HE wants her HOME with HIM, He will heal her as HE only can do!!!!